Nationally renowned jeweller Boodles based in Knightsbridge, London contracted Warrior Doors after devastating ram-raid attack on their prestigious Patek Room
Boodles needed to find a solution to bolster their security from the potential threat of any future ram-raid attacks. Staff were shaken by the ram-raid, and the company wanted to provide them with peace of mind. As well as finding the right security product, Boodles needed to find a solution which would not compromise the aesthetic qualities of the showroom.
Warrior Doors installed a Warrior Interlock to bolster Boodles’ showroom security, protecting the prestigious Patek Room from any future attacks. Warrior understands that aesthetics are important, so we developed a new powder-coating which we now refer to as ‘Boodles Bronze’. Warrior’s solution was to provide safety, security and peace for the shop staff and customers.
Warrior Doors installed a Warrior Interlock to bolster Boodles’ showroom security, protecting the prestigious Patek Room from any future attacks. Warrior understands that aesthetics are important, so we developed a new powder-coating which we now refer to as ‘Boodles Bronze’. Warrior’s solution was to provide safety, security and peace for the shop staff and customers.
“Products such as Warrior’s are becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. You have to have them now – you can’t afford not to have them.”
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