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Our Client

Nationally renowned jeweller Boodles based in Knightsbridge, London contracted Warrior Doors after devastating ram-raid attack on their prestigious Patek Room

Their Problem

Boodles needed to find a solution to bolster their security from the potential threat of any future ram-raid attacks. Staff were shaken by the ram-raid, and the company wanted to provide them with peace of mind. As well as finding the right security product, Boodles needed to find a solution which would not compromise the aesthetic qualities of the showroom.

Our Solution

Warrior Doors installed a Warrior Interlock to bolster Boodles’ showroom security, protecting the prestigious Patek Room from any future attacks. Warrior understands that aesthetics are important, so we developed a new powder-coating which we now refer to as ‘Boodles Bronze’. Warrior’s solution was to provide safety, security and peace for the shop staff and customers.

The Impact

Warrior Doors installed a Warrior Interlock to bolster Boodles’ showroom security, protecting the prestigious Patek Room from any future attacks. Warrior understands that aesthetics are important, so we developed a new powder-coating which we now refer to as ‘Boodles Bronze’. Warrior’s solution was to provide safety, security and peace for the shop staff and customers.

What the Client Said

“Products such as Warrior’s are becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. You have to have them now – you can’t afford not to have them.”

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